What are the Benefits of Unified Communications

Keeping up with the increasing demands of modern business is becoming difficult for companies each day. Same to maintaining a competitive benefit. The capacity to be quick moving and adjust to an always business environment is vital for business success. Nonetheless, this comes with many hindrances.

Common Obstacles that Businesses Experience

During the process of starting a unified communications solution, most businesses experience these common barriers:

  • Resizing or moving their offices.
  • Creativity chances.
  • Empowering employees to work adaptably.
  • Handling human latency.
  • Embracing a cloud-first plan
  • Substituting the end of life technology.
  • Managing acquisition or a merger.
  • Communicate about scaling worries for global growth.
  • Entice talent and millennials to the business and changing to a culture move to depend on technology.

Benefits of Unified Communications


Resistance to change by employees is one of the key challenges that most businesses report when enacting Unified Communications.

Among the major benefits of Unified Communications is unifying people and programs with a single solution. Indeed, Unified Communications programs need cooperation from all staffs of a company. There is no exclusion of members on all levels.

Universality in an organization may help to encourage a good culture change because making the UC programme successful is the responsibility of all employees. The solution and rule is one for all employees.


In most businesses, a plateau in productivity is among the most vital challenges that unified communications might assist to overcome. Embracing a unified communications program may enhance the productivity of your teams. Reason, it empowers them to have close collaboration when working. Many team members might work on a single document at once, add comments, and share ideas. As a result, there is minimal time wastage to offer feedback.

Furthermore, Unified Communications enables teams of all sizes to hold discussions in actual time via various applications. For example, Microsoft Teams allows users to post email threads within Office 365, work on documents together, and make chat groups. Likewise, Skype for Business allows participants to join a conversation as either a chat or video call.


Enhanced Collaboration between Employees & Departments

Unified Communications applications enables team members to collaborate easily. For example, audio and video conferencing, screen sharing, calendar updates, and instant messaging.

With these apps, each members of a business is able to communicate with other easily, and at any time accessing the same information. This might assist to minimize silos between departments, as well a global divisions. In turn, this ensures information flow and running of operations is smooth.


The other advantage of unified communications is empowering you to be completely adaptable and respond to predicted events. For example, severe weather and train cancellations no longer cause problem for productivity. Unified communications ensures these occurrences do not disrupt your entire day. Indeed, your employees can make calls, message, and meet while on travel or at home, like they are in the office. In short, distance is not a hindrance for effective collaboration.

Providing higher adaptability and enabling your employees to work remotely might also advocate for a better work life balance to your employees. They can work from anywhere.

Most unified communications apps allows employees to connect their mobile phone with the office phone system. This enables them to answer calls from customers, clients, and colleagues while at any location. Besides that, instant messaging gives your employees the ability and freedom to communicate with workmates as if they are in an office.

Likewise, video conferencing enables employees to have one on one meetings with their clients and workmates on any location. At the same time, they build a powerful sense of bonding without travelling to meet them.

Minimal Administration and Maintenance

One of the major benefits of unified communications is storage of all information in one place. As a result, maintenance is much easier. In fact, some unified communications apps offer 24/7 support, complete service consultancy, upgrade, and maintenance services. Therefore, instead of depending on an overstretched IT department, the employees enjoy quick support.

In addition, consolidating all your cloud-based apps in one unified communications solution reduces your administration time. Apart from that, this simplifies it because you have one contract, one bill, and one provider.


Reduced Costs

The upgrade of your old PBX to cloud-based phone system allows employees to integrate their mobile phones with the company’s cloud phone system. Further, it allows them to use VoIP in making calls. The use of internet to make both mobile and landline calls reduces your costs. Reason, you do not incur costs from the expensive network providers. Rather, you get all your UC services from one vendor, which means you have one bill to pay each month.

The execution of cloud-based services is cheaper, because there is no installation of expensive hardware. This means there is no installation, management, and maintenance cost. On top of that, you do not incur any training cost that comes with hardware systems. Likewise, the use of cloud-based services does not require you to employ skilled IT professionals to maintain the on premise services. The key benefit is that businesses make huge savings.

Finally, you do not incur travel costs for your employees as they hold face-to-face video conferencing meetings through Skype for Business.

Final Thoughts

In this digital communications age, the management of user expectations is crucial in any business. To achieve this, you need to consolidate your communications products into one unified communications solution. This comes with many benefits as listed above. Furthermore, the expansion of your business to global levels becomes much easier.

Here we have discussed the crucial benefits of Unified communications which will be very helpful to make it easier for people to do their work.

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